Purple Wedding Flowers

Classic Roses


Purple flowers make a striking wedding bouquet. No matter the season or formality, purple can be included in a wedding color scheme.

The unexpected splash of purple color can be arresting. From light lilac to deep pansy purple, a rose cascade bridal bouquet is breathtaking!

Midnight Purple


Dark purple flowers are a beautiful accent to a light colored bouquet of cream and green. The richness of the purple stands out well, but choose smaller blooms that will not overwhelm the arrangement.

Roses and Berries


Purple roses with coordinating berries makes a unique floral arrangement or wedding bouquet perfect for a late summer or fall wedding when the fruits of the harvest are available. The berries add uniqueness and texture to the bouquet, and the purple hues are complement one another without being gaudy.

Purple and Blue


A blue and purple wedding bouquet is a rich, fun option for a summer wedding when bold colors are in style. Use flowers of different sizes and textures to give the bouquet more flair and to break up the color palette without interrupting it completely.

Royal Purples


Rich, royal purple, soft mauve, and cool cream shades can be combined for wedding bouquets and flower arrangements with stunning jewel tones. This is perfect for a summer or fall wedding when such bold colors are at their peak.

Aisle Decorations


Small tin buckets of purple flowers are a whimsical and fun decoration to hang from hooks or chairs along the aisle at your wedding ceremony. Other options include tulle pew bows with a purple bloom tucked inside, purple petals strewn along the aisle, or hanging kissing balls with purple flowers.

Calla Lilies


Calla lily bridal bouquets are economical, elegant, and trendy. These versatile lilies come in a wide range of sizes and colors, including rich, deep burgundies with subtle purple tones. With a color this vibrant, a bouquet made up of just one type of bloom and lacking other fillers or greenery can be startlingly elegant.



Lilacs are a delicate, aromatic spring flower that can be perfect for spring weddings. These clustered blooms have a tendency to droop, so a large, casual bouquet may be the best choice for a design. The color can range from light to dark purples as well as striped purple and white flowers or just white lilacs, which would be beautiful accents in a purple bouquet.

Two Tone Flowers


If you want a simple bouquet with a cheery, whimsical air, choose purple flowers that have contrasting yellow, pink, green, or white accents. Use all of one type of bloom for the best effect, but consider framing the bouquet with different greenery, grape vines, or other materials to continue the natural look.

Sweet Colors


Every little girl goes through a phase where her favorite colors are pink and purple, and you can bring back that childhood nostalgia with pink and purple wedding flowers. Choose shades of similar hues and consider adding blue, green, or yellow filler flowers as fun accents.



A simple purple orchid makes a striking corsage or boutonniere without needing multiple blooms or excessive accents. Choose just a sprig or two of other small blooms or greenery to complete the look, and let the purple speak for itself.

Purple Tulips


A sweetly innocent option for spring wedding flowers is to choose purple tulips and let them stand alone with their brilliant color. Wrap a small bouquet with an ivory or white satin ribbon, and use similar ribbons to accent table arrangements. A sprig or two of thick green leaves can be used for variation and framing color, but the beauty of the rich purple does not need a lot of embellishment.

Purple Cakes


Purple flowers can be added to a wedding cake in several ways. Real flowers can be arranged as a cake topper or cascade, or your baker can create sugar, gum paste, or fondant flowers in any purple shade you desire. Use the flowers as a topper, tier accents, or cascades to add color to your cake.



Brides interested in a casual, unique purple flower for their wedding bouquet and other floral arrangements should consider thistles. These unusual flowers have a striking texture that can be lovely for a western wedding or outdoor event where additional flowers are blooming in nearby fields to complete the wedding's setting.



Because purple is still a relatively unusual color for wedding flowers, it can be overwhelming in large floral centerpieces. Instead, choose blooms such as hydrangea that come in a range of shades, and augment the purple with a beautifully coordinating blue and white for a delicate and elegant arrangement.

Variegated Flowers


If you like the thought of using purple wedding flowers but don't like the look of solid purple blooms, consider variegated flowers that have more than one color on each bloom. Flowers with purple centers, edges, stripes, or speckles can be found in different varieties and will give your bouquet additional color and texture in a unique and interesting way.

Winter Purples


Winter purple shades are usually among the riches and darkest colors, perfect for a wedding with a jewel tone palette. Dark reds, maroons, and burgundy also pair well with more classic purple shades for this type of richly colored wedding arrangement.

Bridesmaid Bouquets


A few simple purple wedding flowers can be easy to coordinate in bridesmaids' bouquets, particularly if the shade will complement purple bridal party dresses. Even if the bride wants to carry pure white flowers, purple can easily be a part of wedding floral arrangements throughout the day.

Want more great ideas for wedding flowers? Check out these additional slideshows:

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Purple Wedding Flowers