Maid of Honor Speeches for Sisters

A speech in a wedding ceremony

A sister of the bride speech can be difficult enough to prepare and deliver, but when you add maid of honor designation to the task it becomes even more profound. Maid of honor speeches for sisters honor the bride while also honoring the important relationship between sisters. Keeping in mind a few simple tips can help make the creative process easier.

Examples of Speeches for a Sister's Wedding

Consider using one of the following sample speeches. Print them out by clicking on the speech images, opening them with Adobe Reader, and filling in the details so that they apply more specifically to your sister and the special relationship you share. Details are added at the appropriate places indicated by the brackets and suggested information.

Maid of Honor Speech From a Little Sister

In the sample speech below, you'll find a template perfect for a younger sister filling the maid of honor role. For example, you may want to say your sister is "bossy, bossy, bossy" and that you wanted to try on her clothes and dig through her makeup. This maid of honor speech for a big sister is perfect for you if you always looked up to her as a role model or if she felt you were a bit of a tag along when little.

This sample was written by Kathleen Esposito.

Too little sister wedding speech
Download "Too Little" sister wedding speech

Your Sister's "Prince Charming"

The sample speech below offers the opportunity for the maid of honor to share her sister's earliest thoughts about the man she would eventually marry - no matter how funny or silly they seem now. For example, some of the desirable traits she may have wanted when she dreamt of him at age 15 might be that he have a driver's license, a job at the pizza parlor, be blonde, and play soccer. This speech allows your special bond to show through and pokes a little fun at the bride without going overboard.

Kathleen Esposito wrote this sample speech.

Prince Charming sister speech
Download "Prince Charming" sister speech

For Those With ''Strong Family Ties''

This speech is written from the perspective of a sister who has a strong bond with the bride. The speech discusses their upbringing, recalls a childhood story or two, and talks about how growing up with this sister is entirely unique. The groom is casually mentioned and included as an integral part of the speech. His part in this speech is being welcomed to the family and the chaos you often go through.

Danielle Reed is the author of this speech.

Strong Family Ties Speech
Download "Strong Family Ties" speech

Based on a Quote

This sample speech is based on a quote from the Broadway hit Hamilton. You can choose a quote from your childhood, a quote about sisterhood, or a quote about love. No matter your choice, build a speech around the importance of this quote. It is important to add a slight personal touch to the quote. Discuss why you chose it, what it means to you, and congratulate the couple on their marriage. With a few simple changes or this exact speech, it is easy to show your love for your sister.

Speech sample is by Danielle Reed.

Speech Based on a Quote
Download a speech based on a quote

Write the Perfect Sister Speech

While a fairly generic speech may work well for a friend, a speech for your sister as her maid of honor should celebrate your special bond.

Things to Include

Some ideas on things you can include are:

  • Funny memories from early childhood, such as when she used to tag along with your friends, or vice versa
  • Ways that you look up to or aspire to be like your sister, past and present
  • Special nicknames that you used to call each other (keep it PG, of course)
  • Secret things that you used to keep from your parents, such as staying up late talking on school nights
  • Early dating stories, and how you supported one another through love and heartbreak
  • How you knew that she had finally found her special someone

Additional Speech Tips

  • Do not force yourself to be funny, sentimental, or formal if that is not your personality. It will sound awkward.
  • Avoid embarrassing stories even if you think they're funny. You do not want to humiliate your sister in front of her friends and family.
  • Focus should mostly be on your sister, the bride, as the best man speech will have covered many personal thought about the groom. However, be sure to mention him at some point, because without him, there wouldn't be a wedding!
  • Avoid too much alcohol until after your speech is over.
  • Raising your glass in a wedding toast for your sister and her husband is a great way to end the speech. Be sure to have a glass, even if it is just water, ready to go.

If you have a talent, like singing, writing poetry, or playing an instrument, you can always do this as part of your speech. Your sister will be honored if you sing her favorite love song or write an original poem in honor of her wedding day.

Family toasting with champagne at wedding reception

Special Speeches for Sisters

All of these speeches can be great wedding toasts in honor of the bride. Modify any that need it and include a few personal touches to create the perfect tribute to your sister and her new husband. With the right personal touches, maid of honor speeches for a sister can be a heartwarming expression of love, support, and friendship between a bride and her sister. Make sure to practice ahead of time so that you can concentrate on your sister and not on your nerves.

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Maid of Honor Speeches for Sisters