Listen to Wedding Music Online

Woman listening to wedding music on her laptop

If you want to listen to wedding music there are many online choices. In fact, your biggest challenge is deciding where to start! There are myriad options available to those wishing to listen online to music for their wedding ceremony and reception.

Before You Listen to Wedding Music On-Line

Now that we are in the midst of the Internet age, it is tempting to place our personal agenda ahead of those who have worked hard to produce the things we discover on the Web. With file "sharing" programs such as Limewire and Kazaa, it is important you realize that these programs are stealing and you can in fact be charged as a felon if caught. Many people trust too confidently in the anonymity of cyberspace, and don't realize that their online presence can be tracked just as easily as their real life existence.

For this reason, don't take a risk with your freedom by breaking laws. You can listen to wedding music on-line legitimately in so many places that stealing from a website has no justification. So, when you begin your wedding music search, be sure you know where the songs are coming from and that you are acquiring them in a fair and legal format.

Where To Listen

Mp3 download sites have taken over cyberspace, and finding the best ones to preview can be tricky. Below are a few recommended ones, and why they reign supreme over the others.

Its name should be self-explanatory as to why this download site is a great place to start. Besides offering downloads, it refers you to other legal music downloads around the net. Check out if you want instant downloads in combination with great recommendations to even better music sites.

Looking for a song with a lot of meaning, something symbolic for the big day? Look no further than, which offers Mp3 downloads as well as a lyrics search so you can find that song with a special message behind it. A great place to hunt down wedding processional or first dance music, this site is well organized and fun to browse through - even if you're just looking for inspiration.


Still monopolizing the Mp3 market, Apple has all other sites beat. Be warned though, iTunes does not allow you to edit their files in most cases, so what you hear is what you get! Countless individuals have been annoyed by iTunes' strict policies, however their prices are hard to beat and their user ease and convenience is rated tops among online consumers.


Rhapsody is a great one time investment if you are a music buff. It may be too much of a hassle/commitment just for wedding music, however, if you look at Mp3s for other purposes, Rhapsody is affordable, convenient, and offers a great selection of music. Many people choose it as their default music player at work or home, and you can discover some obscure songs on here that just may be perfect for your wedding day.


You're on there all of the time for holiday shopping and to discover the latest books anyway, right? Amazon caught on to how much time people are spending time on their website, and decided to add the option of theme music while you peruse. With their inexpensive downloads and editable files, Amazon is truly representing the next generation of Mp3 technology. While their catalog is still slightly limited, you can discover some great vintage Sinatra and other classics perfect for a reception.

Wherever you choose to find your mp3s for the big day, rest assured there is a bountiful selection of options just waiting to be unleashed with a simple click of the mouse, and by choosing to listen to wedding music on-line, you can find the perfect music to harmonize with your big day.

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Listen to Wedding Music Online