Fall Wedding Roses

Simple Rose Bouquet


Roses are a popular romantic symbol for weddings and a fall wedding is no exception! There are many rose arrangements for autumn nuptials beyond bridal bouquets, such as centerpieces, heart wreaths, kissing balls and cake decorations.

Brides opting for roses may choose simple autumn colors, such as peach, orange, red, pink, and yellow. Lighter shades are best for early fall weddings while darker hues are perfect choices later in the season.

Roses and Berries


Low centerpieces with simple glass dishes filled with cranberries or nuts and topped with fall roses and other seasonal blooms are a beautiful choice to decorate either the ceremony or reception. For the ceremony, the flowers can be at the altar or on low tables lining the aisle, and they can be easily moved to the reception to decorate individual tables.

Purple Roses


Purple is a unique color to be used in fall weddings, and either a dusky purple or a rich, royal shade can be beautiful. A purple rose bouquet with ripe berries is an elegant option for a fall bride to carry and can coordinate with a deep purple wedding palette. If deep purple flowers are preferred, opt for richly colored roses and grapes or ivy.

Rose Hearts


Dried roses woven into a heart-shaped wreath are perfect to decorate a barn or church door for a rustic fall wedding. The wreath can be solid or hollow, and may be trimmed with greenery, baby's breath, ferns, grasses, or other seasonal plants for a festive touch. Larger wreaths or hearts can also be hung on interior walls for easy fall wedding decorations.

Mixed Bouquets


Roses can be part of any fall bouquet and work well with a variety of other blooms, including calla lilies, sunflowers, daisies, mums, and other fall favorites. Rich, bold colors are popular for fall bouquets, and red, orange, and yellow roses will always work.

Kissing Balls


Roses can be woven into decorative kissing balls for whimsical decorations for the wedding ceremony or reception. For the ceremony, line the aisle with hanging kissing balls or have the flower girl carry a fall rose kissing ball in lieu of a basket. At the reception, kissing balls can line the head table or be hung in a cluster from the ceiling for a unique alternative to a chandelier.

Light Fall Colors


Fall wedding roses don't always have to be rich autumn colors such as red, yellow, or orange. For a more subtle touch, consider ivory roses in a rustic fall bouquet with rich browns and golds. To give the bouquet a bit of extra sparkle, adorn some of the blooms with crystal or pearl pins.

Simple Centerpiece


For a simple yet romantic centerpiece, place a few cut roses in bright fall colors into a classic champagne glass. These glasses can be clustered together for a larger table centerpiece, or used individually to decorate a buffet table or candy favor bar. Individual glasses can also be used to add extra blooms to smaller centerpieces on large tables, helping a couple stretch their wedding flower budget.

Bold Bouquet


Romantic red roses can be perfect in a fall wedding bouquet by themselves or when combined with other rich flowers in the fall colors of red, yellow, orange, and green. Together, these flowers mimic the beauty of Nature's fall palette on the trees near your celebration.

Faux Fall Roses


Create the unique look of fall wedding roses by folding paper blooms or using dried or silk fall leaves to create simulated roses. This is an unusual bouquet style that is instantly recognizable yet still distinctive. Origami flowers are a popular option, or a bride may want to carry real dried roses as a unique fall bouquet.

Cake Roses


In addition to bouquets and decorative arrangements, reserve some fall roses to decorate the wedding cake. Colorful blooms look both beautiful and delicious on either classic white or trendy chocolate wedding cakes, and can be stacked between cake tiers or draped in a luxurious cascade down the sides of the cake.

Recycle Fall Wedding Roses


Save money by recycling fall wedding roses to be used at both the ceremony and reception. The bride's bouquet, for example, is large enough to use as a centerpiece on the head table, cake table, or guest book table. Bridesmaids' bouquets can do double duty as centerpieces, and altar arrangements can be easily moved to the reception.

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Fall Wedding Roses